โš™๏ธExecution Clients

Process - Changing Clients

  1. Stop old client.

  2. Disable old client.

  3. Delete old client data.

  4. Enable new client.

  5. Start new client.

UFW Config

Configure the firewall.

Execution Clients
EXECUTION_P2P_PORT=        # Default: 30303
EXECUTION_WS_PORT=         # Default: 8546
EXECUTION_METRICS_PORT=    # Default: 6060
EXECUTION_RPC_PORT=        # Default: 8545

sudo ufw allow ${EXECUTION_P2P_PORT} comment 'Allow Execution P2P in'
sudo ufw allow ${EXECUTION_WS_PORT} comment 'Allow Execution WS in'
sudo ufw allow ${EXECUTION_METRICS_PORT} comment 'Allow Execution Metrics in'
sudo ufw allow ${EXECUTION_RPC_PORT} comment 'Allow Execution RPC Port in'

Create JWT Secret

This is now shared between all clients on the same machine.

sudo openssl rand -hex 32 | tr -d "\n" > "/tmp/jwtsecret"
sudo mv /tmp/jwtsecret /var/lib/
sudo chmod +r /var/lib/jwtsecret

Execution Service Environment Variables

sudo vim /etc/default/execution-variables.env
NETWORK=                               # E.g. mainnet or holesky
EXECUTION_P2P_PORT=                    # Default: 30303
EXECUTION_MAX_PEERS=                   # Default: 50
EXECUTION_WS_ADDR=                     # e.g.
EXECUTION_WS_PORT=                     # Default: 8546
EXECUTION_RPC_ADDR=                    # e.g.
EXECUTION_RPC_PORT=                    # Default: 8545
EXECUTION_METRICS_ADDR=                # e.g.
EXECUTION_METRICS_PORT=                # Avoid 6060 clash with pprof: 6061
NGINX_PROXY_EXECUTION_METRICS_PORT=    # Unified metrics port e.g. 6062

Last updated